Slow cookers are available in an array of sizes, with some as small as 1.5- quart and others much, much larger. Choosing the best size slow cooker for your needs is one of the many things that you’ll need to complete before the purchase of your new slow cooker.
Choosing the best size slow cooker isn’t difficult, but it does take a bit of effort and research on your part too if it’s a top crock pot sizes for four or so. Tons of slow cookers are on the market today, and if you are unfamiliar with the product, choosing the right size is far more difficult than what it sounds to be originally.

You must familiarize yourself with the brands, the models, and of course the sizes, and combine that information with the needs of your family if choosing the best size slow cooker is important to you.
It is easy to find the right slow cooker for your needs, whether you are a couple looking for a fast way to prepare meals or head of all the potlucks and need a dependable slow cooker to help you out. Continue reading as we take a look at the different sizes of slow cookers out there and help you decide the best size slow cooker for your needs.
Check 2 qt crocks if that’s what your family needs or a bigger one that suits the size and features as well. But that is just the start of the information you will find here.
We want you to get the best size slow cooker, but also the one that most suits your needs, and have also provided a few bonus tips that you can put to good use so at the end of the day you can smile with confidence as you and the people you care for the most sit back and enjoy a delicious meal that was so simple to prepare.
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Small and Large Slow Cookers

Before heading out to make the slow cooker purchase, ensure that you know your needs. It is a good idea to create a small list of things that you need in the slow cooker, with a separate list for the feature that you would like.
When the budget allows, go ahead, and go for some of those features that you were hoping for. In the case of purchasing a slow cooker, sometime it is worth paying a little bit more for because the unit offers so much more. It is important, as well, that your budget is set ahead of time, since the cost of a slow cooker can considerably vary.
The most important consideration when choosing the best size slow cooker is to determine the number of people in your family, or the number of people that you plan to cook for using the slow cooker.
So, it’s important to know what sizes do crock pots come in. Starting with related questions might help. Aside from this, decide what else is important for your slow cooker to include. So, you like LED displays? Many people do since they are easier to read, so this may be a feature that you want also.
Obviously, a safe slow cooker is something that you want, so make sure that safety features are included in the model that you choose. Want a slow cooker that is programmable? What about a unit that turns itself off when it is done coking?
These are only a handful of the many fantastic features offered on slow cookers which you should consider when making the purchase.
Sizes of Slow Cookers

As mentioned, slow cookers come in a variety of sizes in order to accommodate the needs of all individuals. Rather than purchase one too small for your needs or one that is too large and wastes space and energy, taking a short amount of you time to understand the different sizes of slow cookers and which is most suitable for your needs if recommended.
Extra-small slow cookers in 1.5-quart sizes are available. These are most suitable for an individual who plans only to prepare dishes for themselves. There are also 4-quart pots, which may be suitable for meal preparation for two to four people and of course some 5-6 qt like this one in Kitchenaid 6 qt slow cooker reviews.
This size is popular because they make it easy to prepare soups and similar dishes, so if this is that you intend to do with the unit, this size may accommodate you needs wonderfully. There aren’t a lot of the 4-quart size out there, but they are becoming more popular.
6-quart pots are available as well. This size slow cooker is the most popular size slow cooker sold, in case you are wondering. It may be that this is the best size slow cooker for your needs.
While designed to feed up to 6 people, this size slow cooker is great for potlucks, leftovers, and more. Generally speaking, it is also the most cost-effective of the slow cooker options.
If you wish to have a slow cooker in a larger size, plenty of other options are also available, although these sizes are most often used by those in industries and business settings. There is an 8.5-quart model available, which can serve up to 9 people (or perhaps more.)
Even larger sizes are also available if they are needed. So, as discovered with this information, there is a slow cooker in the size that you need, no matter what your needs.
The Extra Features

Slow cookers are made from a variety of materials, offer various features and functions, and come in price ranges high and low. It’s best to get additional info on their features and other factors as well.
When choosing the best size slow cooker, also keep these other factors in mind as well as the size. Once you know the size slow cooker best suited for your needs, these considerations should be put in place to find the best out there. Think about what food you will mostly cook as well.
Browse this site to check on some easy crock pot recipes to for you and your family or check on these best recipes for slow cooker.
- First, what is the brand name of the slow cooker? Crock Pot is the original creator of the slow cooker and a popular brand, but only one of many on your list of choices.

Cuisinart, All Clad, and Hamilton Beach are also popular names. What is the price tag of the slow cooker? There are simple and cheap models, these that are moderately priced, and of course slow cookers designed for the affluent kitchen.
- Consider the amount of money you wish to spend on a slow cooker long before you plan to buy.
- Have you considered the shape of the slow cooker? Oval, square, and triangle are the most popular shapes for slow cookers, and each shape has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before investing your money.
Round and oval shaped slow cookers have the advantage of being able to easily cook a casserole, while a triangular model may save you space.

- Stainless steel is a popular material choice for the slow cooker, since it is elegant for any kitchen. Be sure that the stoneware and lid are both dishwasher safe to save you time.
- Also, consider the features because some slow cookers have few to none while others have a plethora. Digital and easy to use operation are two important features to look for in your slow cooker. Slow cookers are deigned to make life easy, not a bigger hassle.
Best Size Slow Cooker for Whole Chicken

A party without food is a waste of time, believe me I’ve tried. When it comes to the question, what is the best size slow cooker for whole chicken?
The answer is it depends with the chicken, thus the bigger the chicken the bigger the slow cooker the opposite is also true.
Go Big

If you are lucky enough to find a chicken that weighs 8 lbs or more, I recommend that you slow cook it in an 8 quart slow cooker. Something like the Hamilton 8 quart slow cooker will do a better job cooking because there is enough room for the chicken in the pot.
You may want to also check on best programmable crockpot model for a good comparison. When you need the ultimate cooker, you’ll find it in the large seven-quart cooker, available with or without in-pot browning function.
When it comes to chicken that weigh 6 lbs or something close to that, you should use a 6 quart Crockpot. 5 quart Crockpots are perfect for cooking 4.5lbs of chicken.
Note that if you buy a slow cooker that is below 5 quarts, you will find it difficult to slow cook chicken that weigh more than 4-5 lbs simply because the pot is too small.
Therefore my recommendation is if you plan to use your slow cooker this holiday season the best size slow cooker for whole chicken is any slow cooker that holds more than 5 quarts. So, check out this 8 qt programmable crock pot reviews.
Remember the size of the chicken also matters, if the pot is too small the pot won’t hold large birds thus buy the biggest one you can find relative to the chicken.
Best Size Slow Cooker for Family of 3
Before you buy a slow cooker there are some things you must consider, the first thing you must consider is the size of your family i.e. look at your needs.

The thing is if you buy something too small for your family you will have problems, my recommendation is buy something that serves your needs. For example, if there are two adults and a child in the home you should go for a good slow cooker for 2 people or 4 quart slow cooker.
The best size slow cooker for a family of 3 in my opinion is a 4 quart slow cooker, why? A 4 quart slow cooker serves 4+ people–this is good in that there will be leftovers.

The leftovers can be packed up and used as lunch the next day, 4 quart slow cookers are also perfect for entertaining or parties. look at it this way, you can use it to slow cook a 3lb chicken.
If you intend to use your slow cooker for more than just feeding your family e.g. for parties, I recommend that you buy something bigger.
Cuisinart Stainless steel 4-Quart Programmable Slow Cooker Reviews

If you want a slow cooker that is perfect for a family of 4 I recommend that you go for Cuisinart 3.5 qt programmable slow cooker or Cuisinart Stainless steel 4-Quart Programmable slow cooker, why?
- This slow cooker features a 24 hour programmable countdown timer; this allows you to plan your meals ahead of time. It can even start cooking when you are not at home.
- It also comes with three cooking modes, simmer, low, and high, when the slow cooker finishes the cooking process it will automatically switch to “keep warm” this will keep you food warm for up to 8 hours.
Therefore the best size slow cooker for a family of three is a 3 quart or 4 quart slow cooker.


Ease of Use


Best Size Slow Cooker for 4
One mistake we make every day is buying snacks, it’s not a crime to buy snacks but if you don’t watch how much you buy you end up wasting lots of money.
Another thing is if you go to the grocery store hungry you will end up buying more than you need, so what’s the solution? If you have a family of four the best way to save money when it comes to matters food is to buy a 4 quart slow cooker. You could check here on how to maximize the use of your appliance.
Why 4 Quart Slow Cookers are the Best Size Slow Cookers for 4
If you know that you have food waiting for you at home you won’t spend lots of money on snacks, take out or junk food. This will save you lots of cash and as an added plus, a slow cooker in your home will lower your energy bills.
The reason I’m saying that 4 quart slow cooker are the best slow cookers for 4 is, the capacity allows you to cook enough food for 4+ people. If there are any leftovers you can pack it up for lunch, thus, this is a good way to keep you and your family healthy.
Best Size Slow Cooker for Family of 5
The problem with today is most parents find it difficult to prepare healthy home cooked meals simply because they don’t have the time.
If you are in a similar predicament my recommendation is buy a slow cooker, why? If you buy a slow cooker you will be able to cook even if you are not at home
But, before you buy one there are some things that you must consider. The first and the most important thing is the size of your family, the best slow cooker for a family of 5 is a 5 or a best 6 quart programmable slow cooker.
Crockpot 5 Quart Digital Slow Cooker

The reason for that is very simple, capacity. The thing is if you buy a small slow cooker you won’t be able to use it to cook enough food for your family, on the other hand if you buy the right size slow cooker or something a bit bigger you will comfortably feed more people.
A 5 quart slow cooker serves 5-6+ people, this makes it the best sized slow cooker for a family of five because there will be enough food for everyone even if there is a guest or two.
My recommendation is if you have a family of five you should go for Crockpot 5 Quart digital slow cooker or something similar to that, the cooker serves 5-6 people comfortably and has the following features:
- Three heat settings: high, low and keep warm
- Dish washer safe glass lid and stoneware
- One touch digital controls
Word of advice some users have experienced problems using the model mentioned above, therefore, before you buy it you should look at customer testimonials or look for another 5 quart slow cooker.


Ease of Use


Best Size Slow Cooker for Family of 6
If you have a large family you understand how expensive it is to feed it, your best option is to save every penny you can and to only buy what you need. However, there is a way to feed your family of six or more, healthy food without breaking the bank.
The trick is planning–you see the thing is, when you leave your home each morning you know that at the end of the day your family will need food. If you don’t plan ahead you may have to order take out or fly through the drive through.
If you do the math you will find that it is cheaper and healthier to have a meal planned and prepared at home, this will keep you from spending money on fast food.
How to Plan your Meals and Save Money
The first thing you need is a slow cooker, why? A slow cooker saves you time and money, how? It will lower energy consumption in your home, it will allow you to plan your meals ahead of time and as an added plus, it can help you lower spending on food. For example, if you have a slow cooker you can buy cheaper cuts of meat and slow cook it.
The best size slow cooker for a family of six is a 6 quart slow cooker, the good thing about 6 quart slow cookers is there will be enough for everyone and if there are any leftovers they can serve as lunch the next day. Instead of buying lunch, pack and carry the leftovers or freeze them.
6 quart slow cookers are big enough to serve ten adults, another major advantage is that at the back of your mind you will always know that there is food in the house thus you won’t have to buy anything when you come back home. All you have to do if you have a big family is plan your meals and buy only what you need.
Final Thoughts
With so many slow cookers out there, it is little wonder why you sought out help to find the one right for your needs. You did the right thing because choosing the best size slow cooker is imperative to a good meal, meeting your needs, and a plethora of additional benefits.
We hope the information provided above has been helpful in your selection of the best size slow cooker, and that it makes the product purchase simpler than it is already.
No matter what your budget or desires for a slow cooker, there is a model out there made just for you. Simply take the time to do your homework or you could click here now for some more crock pot shopping guide. Know what you want in the slow cooker, and shop around. It is easy to compare brand and models, as well as features, functions, and prices.
All that you are losing is a little time, but it is well worth it when you are a happily satisfied slow cooker owner. The best slow cooker size varies for each person, their purpose of the slow cooker, the number of people in their family, and other factors.
But, with thanks to the above information, you are now aware of the right way to choose the best size slow cooker to meet your needs. It is now easy to go out and make that purchase with complete confidence and satisfaction in the product that you are getting.